Nicene CreedNicene Creed
Today we look at the longer of the two more well-known creeds in our weekly worship. This creed was written and codified originally at the First Council of Nicea (325) [...]
Today we look at the longer of the two more well-known creeds in our weekly worship. This creed was written and codified originally at the First Council of Nicea (325) [...]
This week, we look at the oldest of our confessions, the Apostles’ Creed. This Creed is one of the six Chief Parts of Doctrine, being linked to the ancient Roman [...]
Today we begin another cycle of weekly studies in the Lutheran Confessions. This week we begin with the Preface to the Book of Concord, explaining why all of these documents [...]
Having covered the major things happening around the world while the Lutheran Confessions were being drafted and published, we take a quick look at the decades after the Book of [...]
The Formula of Concord is the last of the Lutheran Confessions to be written. It is the work of six marvelous theologians who sought to bring together the two opposing [...]
The watershed event of the sixteenth century for the Roman Church was the Council of Trent. While there had been many councils before Trent and a few after, none of [...]
In this month’s Confessional Corner, we come back to the Holy Roman Empire and see what transpired between the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession on June 25, 1530, and the [...]
On this month’s Confessional Corner, we look to the Anabaptists, from their beginnings with the Zwickau Prophets on through the Peasants’ War, Jacob Hutter (Hutterites), Menno Simons (Mennonites), and Jakob [...]
We move a bit further north from London to John Knox, who brought the Reformation to Scotland. The Scottish Reformation brought us the Presbyterian Churches throughout the world. [...]
While there are great things going on with the Reformation on the Europeancontinent, a similar movement begins in London. While it doesn’t begin with atruly theological foundation, the English Reformation [...]