What to Expect in Worship

Visiting a new congregation can be daunting, especially when you don’t know what to expect because this congregation has a different style of worship than you are accustomed. While not unique, Lutheran worship is something that is quite different from many other denominations. Following a liturgical style, Lutherans continue the same basic worship form that has been seen in the Church catholic from the earliest times.

These following videos are designed to help you understand Lutheran worship, especially as it is practiced at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Milford, IL.

The Typical Sunday Service

  1. Baptismal Font
  2. Postures in Worship
  3. Sign of the Cross
  4. Reverent Silence
  5. Singing in Worship – Psalms, Hymns, Canticles
  6. Chanting
  7. Great Litany
  8. Bible Readings
  9. Sermon
  10. Creeds – Apostles’, Nicene, Athanasian
  11. Service of the Sacrament
  12. Benediction

Special Services

  1. Advent Wreath
  2. Christmas Eve
  3. Christmas Day
  4. Epiphany of Our Lord
  5. Transfiguration of Our Lord
  6. Ash Wednesday
  7. Lenten Midweek Services
  8. Palm Sunday Procession
  9. Maundy Thursday
  10. Good Friday
  11. Easter Sunrise
  12. Ascension of Our Lord
  13. Pentecost
  14. Trinity Sunday
  15. Reformation
  16. All Saints’ Day